i aint got no idea what ppl be ranting about in these journals all the time tbh, i shall impart my experience of the time i ran into a Main Charcter (tm).
she was a 34 year old French woman i met idk where, i think at like an art thing? i didnt speak to her much the first time we met, but the second time i spoke primarily to her and she was your classic yoga- meditation- crystal- person. she invited me to go to the meditation class she was on the way to and i thought fuck it i havent got anything better to do, i was expecting some yoga studio looking thing.
it seemed to be some guys house, but he had like food everywhere. not cooked food but just like big baskets of vegetables and stuff. they had a framed picture of their "guru" on the wall and the meditation session was literally only sitting on the floor for 45 minutes saying "oooooooom" really loud. It was actually pretty hard, my legs kept going numb. There were a bunch of kids reading and doing homework in various corners, also before we started the leader esc lady took me into a SEPERATE room to explain how i was supposed to hold my hands and how things worked around there.
TLDR; i knew a woman for about 36 minutes and then immediately found myself at some kind of cult assambly.