I believe in eyebrows above hair supremacy

David @ClownMonarch

Age 25, Male

Freelance Artist

Your local produce sectio

Joined on 5/6/24

Exp Points:
284 / 400
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> 100,000
Vote Power:
4.54 votes
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ClownMonarch's News

Posted by ClownMonarch - 9 days ago

The thing about having to be mentally ill to make good art ia sutch a scam, im never more creativly studented and less inspired then when im deep depression mode tm


Posted by ClownMonarch - September 11th, 2024

U ever love watching stuff but its never about u bcs ur a minority of some kind and then u actually find something about something that applies to u but its clearly written by someone who has no idea, so u roll ur eyes and go looking for something made by someone who actually knows what their talking about but then u find it and its too painfully real and makes u wanna throw up and u hate it?

Thats how u know its good *thumbs up*


Posted by ClownMonarch - September 8th, 2024

i'm working on a comic atm, as my irl friends already know, i spent fuckin ages writing out a script for it so ill actually have a chance to finnish it and not wander aimlessly for 20 pages before stopping entirely the first time i tried to make a full comic. very sadgly its currently sitting at over 200 pages, which will be very rough.

anyway, im having trouble with the lettering. usually i letter my shit by hand, but i made a font out of my hand writing to use for this project, since typing is alot faster and its easier to correct spelling mistakes and keeping the letters in a straight line and all that. i drew the first page, and im really unsure about the letters, it looks kinda too computery and the letters are too thin, kinda reminds me of that rae dun font. it is however easier to read and alot faster, so im really unsure. maybe ill try re-making the font. again.



Posted by ClownMonarch - September 5th, 2024

I'm tryna be more talkative online, bcs i tend to be overly quiet and reserved, so ig ill just write some of these journals whenever about whatever im thinking about?

Its weird, i used to write em all the time on Deviantart when i was like 11 without even thinking about it, just oversharing af. I did ofcourse get casually hit on by 22 year olds, i dont think any unsupervised kid online got away from that lol.

Wonder what the people i used to talk to online every day from back then are up to now. Wonder if they ever think about me. I wouldnt expect so, its rare i even think about them.

I have a feeling this is probably not how ur supposed to use this "news" feature, but why not right?



Posted by ClownMonarch - August 29th, 2024

i aint got no idea what ppl be ranting about in these journals all the time tbh, i shall impart my experience of the time i ran into a Main Charcter (tm).

she was a 34 year old French woman i met idk where, i think at like an art thing? i didnt speak to her much the first time we met, but the second time i spoke primarily to her and she was your classic yoga- meditation- crystal- person. she invited me to go to the meditation class she was on the way to and i thought fuck it i havent got anything better to do, i was expecting some yoga studio looking thing.

it seemed to be some guys house, but he had like food everywhere. not cooked food but just like big baskets of vegetables and stuff. they had a framed picture of their "guru" on the wall and the meditation session was literally only sitting on the floor for 45 minutes saying "oooooooom" really loud. It was actually pretty hard, my legs kept going numb. There were a bunch of kids reading and doing homework in various corners, also before we started the leader esc lady took me into a SEPERATE room to explain how i was supposed to hold my hands and how things worked around there.

TLDR; i knew a woman for about 36 minutes and then immediately found myself at some kind of cult assambly.



Posted by ClownMonarch - May 8th, 2024

Was watching the 1st Eurovision semifinal with a friend and there was alot of good shit. I mean there was some regular boring Eurovision/derogatory tunes but i mean... Ireland had a spooky wiccan nb preforming satanic rituals on stage, and Finland had some guy emerging from a jean-egg with no pants on and by the end of the number some booty shorts descended from the heavens, and that was pretty iconic. Also really liked Baby Lasagna, i mean how could u not with a name like Baby Lasagna. Tried to send the streaming link to my American buddy, but apparently they dont let americans watch it lmao. Probably for the best, theyd call the church and ruin our fun </3

There was a real heal turn from my perspective bcs a Norwegian twin-boyband duo that i THOUGHT was competing for Norway are actually competing for Sweden, Norway's worst enemy. Don't get me wrong non of us liked them, but to team up with the enemy like that??? goddamn. If they fuckin win ill riot.

Anyway those are my inconsequential Eurovision thoughts. excited to see the finally. Honestly used to not give a shit about if not actively despise eurovision when i was younger, but its alot of campy fun when watching it with friends and also when ur less pretencious.

Peace and love <3


Posted by ClownMonarch - May 6th, 2024

Hello i am David

Do not know how anything works here but i am very exited and so i have made an account reguardless we'll see how it goes lmao. I'm so tired of posting on instagram man its the most unrewarding experience i've ever had second only to twitter and i refuse to go back to Deviantart they don't treat me right. Art station is a friendly but neurotypical work college i donno how to talk to.

some things about me:

  • speaks at mach 5 and never shuts up
  • fundamentally apposed to punctuation
  • hair dye ADDICT!!!!
  • loves OCs
  • Grand master champion of hating on America (the comp is tough here in Europe)
  • favorite color (and flavor) is blue
  • loves bright colors but mostly wears all black
  • tags shit religiously hates when shit is not tagged

Artistic rendition of myself

