i'm working on a comic atm, as my irl friends already know, i spent fuckin ages writing out a script for it so ill actually have a chance to finnish it and not wander aimlessly for 20 pages before stopping entirely the first time i tried to make a full comic. very sadgly its currently sitting at over 200 pages, which will be very rough.
anyway, im having trouble with the lettering. usually i letter my shit by hand, but i made a font out of my hand writing to use for this project, since typing is alot faster and its easier to correct spelling mistakes and keeping the letters in a straight line and all that. i drew the first page, and im really unsure about the letters, it looks kinda too computery and the letters are too thin, kinda reminds me of that rae dun font. it is however easier to read and alot faster, so im really unsure. maybe ill try re-making the font. again.