very nais! i love sketchin with pens too, hate the way pencil smudges over time. nr 3 is my favorite idk why theres just somethin about em
very nais! i love sketchin with pens too, hate the way pencil smudges over time. nr 3 is my favorite idk why theres just somethin about em
I feel like one is the feeling of pride when you've managed to create a drawing without having the option to remove your mistakes. Or had to get creative in removing the mistake :o
Cyooties > w <
aaaw shes so cute > w <
ooo, really like the linework!
didn't know inner peace until i saw this image u__u
ah tyty (เนหแตห)
I recently re-read this whole thing and honestly didnt remember Davesprite being so fuckin sadge;;;
Love the color contrast in this, absolutely rules
Yeah, it's kinda depressing, actually :') Thank you!!!
this comic is ver adorable, you post it on Taptastic or webtoon or anything? uwu
Thank you! Currently, the comic is posted in full here and on artstation.
It's easier to read on AS but it's all the same and you aren't missing out on anything.
Woah last panel is sick af man @0@
Me after devouring spaghettis with tomato sauce in the dark at 2 in the morning
Freshest guy i've ever seen i love him <3<3<3<3 B0)
I believe in eyebrows above hair supremacy
Age 25, Male
Freelance Artist
Your local produce sectio
Joined on 5/6/24